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Weather information

All informations

Latitude, longitude and altitude

Torino Airport in collaboration with Centro Epson Meteo offers a weather observation and forecast service devoted to Airport.


Location: Aeroporto "Sandro Pertini" - Caselle Torinese (TO)
Latitude: 45° 11’ 31" N
Longitude: 07° 39’ 07" E
Altitude: 300 m. s.l.m.

The data are not validated therefore checking the significance and caution in use is necessary.

Torino Airport and Centro Epson Meteo are not liable for any damage or problems deriving from improper use of the data published in this section.

April 29th, 2024

00:00 - 06:00


Temperature 11°C

Humidity 90 %

Pressure 994 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

06:00 - 12:00


Temperature 11°C

Humidity 73 %

Pressure 994 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

12:00 - 18:00


Temperature 19°C

Humidity 42 %

Pressure 993 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

18:00 - 00:00


Temperature 16°C

Humidity 50 %

Pressure 992 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

April 30th, 2024

00:00 - 06:00


Temperature 12°C

Humidity 62 %

Pressure 992 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

06:00 - 12:00


Temperature 13°C

Humidity 60 %

Pressure 991 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

12:00 - 18:00


Temperature 18°C

Humidity 40 %

Pressure 989 hPa

Rainfall 0.0 mm

18:00 - 00:00

Moderate rain-strong

Temperature 16°C

Humidity 57 %

Pressure 986 hPa

Rainfall 16.6 mm

May 1st, 2024

00:00 - 06:00

Light rain

Temperature 13°C

Humidity 82 %

Pressure 984 hPa

Rainfall 7.4 mm

06:00 - 12:00

Moderate rain-strong

Temperature 13°C

Humidity 87 %

Pressure 983 hPa

Rainfall 15.0 mm

12:00 - 18:00

Moderate rain-strong

Temperature 15°C

Humidity 82 %

Pressure 981 hPa

Rainfall 24.0 mm

18:00 - 00:00

Moderate rain-strong

Temperature 14°C

Humidity 90 %

Pressure 980 hPa

Rainfall 24.0 mm